Vilnius Security Forum 2021 järjestetään webinaarina 26.3.2021.

Järjestelyt ja tavoitteet:

The National Defence Foundation is a non-Governmental organization and is organizing annual security Forums and Conferences. This time again, together with our partners, we are organizing - an annual “Vilnius Security Forum 2021” on the topic of “Western Readiness to Respond to Hybrid Threats” which will include: a conference/webinar in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania.

Our goal is enhancing Lithuania’s national security via the organization of various projects and processes in Lithuania and the region overall. Among our primary activities is the delivery of strategic insights, assessments and recommendations to Lithuanian and foreign governmental and non-governmental institutions and policymakers. We believe “Vilnius Security Forum” can encourage an open discussion between our society, political leaders, governmental institutions, and non-governmental institutions may strongly contribute to the Regional security.

Suomen Geopoliittisen seuran jäsenet voivat liittyä seminaarin ohjelman seuraajiksi. Ohjelma ja ilmoittautumisohje aukeavat tästä linkistä:

VILNIUS SECURITY FORUM 2021 - Gynybos paramos fondas



